So it’s been a while since I’ve been on and blogged. I keep
telling myself I need to get on here and post. Hell even my husband keeps
telling me I need to post. But I’ve been going through a lot lately and I haven’t
felt much like writing….I know I know that’s the whole point about blogging
right? To talk about the things in life that get us down? …maybe…
Personally I have always been a bit more of a privet person.
I keep a lot of my pain bottled up inside me (sometimes with the help of a
bottle) then tonight while surfing facebook I found an awesome post on
(one of my new favorite pages) and I was like yes!! That’s it right there…I can’t
even begin to count the number of times I’ve had to pick up the pieces of my
life dust myself off and start over
again. And maybe it’s the Irish in me…or
Scottish…or Welsh…ok well regardless I am a Celt!! Even if just part…
One thing I have been doing lately …while not blogging…is
exploring more of my Celtic heritage. Trying
to understand what it really means to be Irish/Scottish/Welsh/etc. and you know
what I have found. It’s not the food (although good) or the music (even though
it does make my spirit sing) or even hot guys in kilts (seriously though…) that
makes a Celt a Celt. It’s something deep down inside that drives you to want to
be a better person…no matter how hard you have to fight to do it. It’s that
drunk little leprechaun sitting on your shoulder cheering you on as you fight
for the life you deserve.
We may be better lovers then fighters….but by God’s we are
fighters when we have to be. Ok so honest truth time…I know I have given up
on many fights in the past that just seem too hard to win, or just not worth
the fight. But I haven’t given up on life and I won’t stop fighting for the
life I want to live. And I think I may have finally had enough of life trying
to kick me while I’m down that it’s time to stand up tall and say you know what
life? You hit like a bitch! Have another shot of whiskey and keep on moving
forward with my life rather the sit here worrying about what else Life has to
throw at me.
This year I told my husband that my New Years resolution was
that 2013 would be a better year than 2012 because we would make the changes to
make it better. And even though life seems to be hitting hard right now…and so
far I like 2013 less than 2012…I will not give up. And this WILL be a much
better year !!
It will get better. Love you, kilted viking.