Thursday, May 9, 2013

monkey wrench

So this past week has been something else…
We went to give notice that we would be moving mid-June (what’s with giving a 60 day notice anyway??) only to find that our lease is up at the end of July not June…so that has put the whole game plan back a month! Ugh! But still not that bad all things considered. Just means we won’t be able to open up shop until almost fall…as long as it’s open in time for yule shopping all should be well.
The good news this week is that we may have found the place to open up. It’s a good sized storefront with an attached apartment and the owner is willing to rent or sell. And both prices are well under what we were thinking. So yay for us. It does need some work but he is in the works on it and was planning on having it done in a couple months anyway…so good on timing for us. (me thinks the gods are at foot here how about you? Lol)
The rest of the trip was full of the usual chaos. Lots of family obligations meant lots of driving. But it was good to see everyone that we could see. And I got to have dinner with my mom which is amazing because the last time I saw here she was in the hospital fighting all sorts of not so good things (have I told you I hate the “C” word…stupid cancer.)
So now we are home safe and sound. And getting ready to start the fun of getting rid of most of our crap so we don’t have to move it across country.  Anyone want a library of mostly scifi/fantasy novels…lol. And then the packing. Ah yes the packing my least favorite activity (after giving up books and just before unpacking….moving sucks…lol) but some how this time I’m more excited about this adventure then my last one.

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